04 December 2009

My Letters of Grievance.

Dear Mr./Mrs. Sandman,
             It seems you have stopped visiting our house. With 12-hour shifts, papers to write, cookies to bake, and work to be done - the Hubby and I would greatly appreciate it if you resume your route to our apartment. 
Kate (& Justin)

Dear Cooking God/Godess,
My last few dinners have been less-than-spectacular. I could use some of your cooking godliness.
We are running out of ramen noodles & I don't want to buy another 12 pack.
Please and Thank you.

Dear Guardian Angel,
I know that you normally do a stand-up-job keeping me super safe. BUT, I have accumulated 3 bruises, a near-embarassing-bike fall, tripped on the side walk, and I ran into a door.
If it isn't to much to ask, please do a little more guardian-ing...
I don't think my body can take to much more while you are on vay-cay....

Dear That-Time-Of-The-Month,
 First: I would like to send you a big-fat-thank-you for appearing ever-so-timely on our anniversary.
I hope you sense my sarcasm.
Second: Do you really need to bring along debilitating pain and gut-wrenching nausea?
I think we can do better.

Dear Skin (a.k.a. Epidermis),
You know.... I'm very kind to you.
I take good care of you.
How do you consider pimples and alligator-quality skin as equal repayment??
We need to fix this, A.S.A.P.

Dear Patron Saint of Exercise & Activity,
Who ever you are: It looks like I might need some extra motivation this season.
If you could focus some of your energy on my forever growing middle section that would be great.

Dear Appliances,
I ask you to take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of the dishwasher and the large burner on the stove.
They were old & out of date. But- they gave us a whole year's worth of service.
I only pray that you other means of preparing our food don't quit on me.
Much Appreciation.

This pic made me smile today. xoxox.


  1. Hang in there! Hope the anniversary goes well!

  2. I love your blog. Too cute. I hear ya!!! I hope things get better babe. :)

  3. Hope things start falling in place for you! I feel you on the time of the month thing. I'm practically unbearable anymore.

    Cute pic!

  4. I sure wish the sandman would come back to me as well. 3 AM and wide awake. Sigh.
